Knowing the Symptoms of a Heart Attack

Heart attacks are most commonly caused by coronary heart disease or coronary artery disease. This is a disorder in which a waxy material known as plaque accumulates within the coronary arteries. These arteries deliver oxygen-rich blood to the heart.

A significant spasm (tightening) of a coronary artery is a less common cause of heart attack. Blood flow via the artery is shut off by the spasm. Even in coronary arteries that aren’t damaged by atherosclerosis, spasms can occur.

Heart attacks can cause or contribute to serious health problems such as heart failure, arrhythmias, and life-threatening cardiogenic shock.

The following are some of the most prevalent warning signs of a heart attack in both men and women. The following are some more signs and symptoms of a heart attack:

  • Chest pain or Discomfort: Most heart attacks are characterized by pain in the center or left side of the chest that lasts longer than a few minutes or that disappears and reappears. Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain are all possible sensations.
  • Feeling particularly weary for no apparent cause, which might last for days
  • Vomiting and nausea (feeling ill to the stomach)
  • Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness

Any new or unexpected symptom, or a shift in the pattern of symptoms you currently have (for example, if your symptoms become stronger or last longer than usual)

Even with significant obstructions due to peripheral neuropathy, people with high blood sugar (diabetes) may not have chest discomfort.

Back, shoulder, and jaw discomfort.

A heart attack’s signs and symptoms might appear out of nowhere. They can, on the other hand, grow slowly over time.

If you think you’re having any of the aforementioned issues that aren’t getting better, don’t ignore them. You should see the best heart specialist in gurgaon for an accurate diagnosis, which might save you and your family from a calamity.

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